Swedish Festival Royalty
In 1962, the Stromsburg Commercial Club decided people of the community who have contributed graciously of their time and talents should be rewarded. Each year since, two people are honored as the king and queen, crowned during the Swedish Festival in mid-June. Their reign is for one year.
In earlier years, the king and queen were selected by popular vote with the ballots placed in a box at the city office. The city staff counted and supervised the voting. In 1969, candidates were nominated by previous royalty and various organizations. These ballots were printed in the local newspaper and voting was again supervised by the city office staff. Beginning in 1972, nominating and voting for the king and queen became the sole obligation of past kings and queens. Voting is kept secret and only the two officers and some immediate family members are aware of who the new royalty will be until they are revealed at the Friday evening program during the Swedish Festival.

Kings and Queens of the Stromsburg Royal Family
2024 Sherri Larson & Tim Alvis
2023 Dan Cramer & Sandy Thompson
2022 Joel Linn & Barb Fowler
2021 Marlon Buzek & Carolyn Frazier
2020 Pat Powell & Jan Randell
2019 Pat Powell & Jan Randell
2018 Dr. David Jameson & Jodie Alvis
2017 Troy Lindsley & Dianne Nielsen
2016 Craig Beebe & Sue Lehn
2015 Robert Greenwall & Cheri Giannou
2014 Willis Waller & Kathy Cowan
2013 Ron Florea* & Roni Branting
2012 Bob Berggren & Kendra Waller
2011 Barb Cotter & Tim Pallas
2010 George Lyons* & Shari Sundberg
2009 Charles Noyd & Mary Wadell*
2008 Dave Thompson & Cinda Koinzan
2007 Timm Waller & Sharon Noyd
2006 Frank Samuelson & Marilyn Holmberg*
2005 Perry Noyd & Pam Johnson
2004 Leroy Gerrard & Grace Gerrard
2003 Mike Branting & Terri Holtzen
2002 Tim Teegerstrom & Elaine Westring
2001 Bruce Schmidt & Carolyn Nordberg
2000 Donald Holmberg* & Betty Corbit*
1999 Everett Loreman* & Imogene Loreman*
1998 Elmer Corbit* & Laura Hunt*
1997 Rev. Bob Johnson & Wilma Berggren*
1996 Harold Anderson* & Carol Rystrom
1995 James Ekstrand* & Elaine Ekstrand*
1994 Stanton Moore* & Judy Buzek
1993 Marvin Wadell & Eleanor Greenwall
1992 Vayden Anderson* & Jewell Hanson*
1991 Vance Teegerstrom* & Arla Quick*
1990 Brooke Berggren* & Marla Teegerstrom
1989 Dennis Koinzan & Nancy Johnson*
1988 Fred Guggenmos & Eleanor Hatfield*
1987 Kurth DeLand & Clarice Baker
1986 Earl Byleen* & Ardis Wilhelms*
1985 Jim Hatfield* & Ruth Ann Peterson*
1984 Wesley Fredrickson* & Mary Anne Guggenmos
1983 Homer Cuddeford* & Orpha Moore*
1982 Jack Anderson & Judy Anderson
1981 Carl Sundberg* & Flora Sherwood*
1980 Max Quick* & Ethel Larson*
1979 Sterling Anderson & Margaret Berggren*
1978 Willis Davis & Carolyn Peterson*
1977 Orville Dodds* & Mildred Flodman*
1976 Clair McCormick* & Irene Johnson*
1975 Kermit Branting* & Marlyce Christensen*
1974 Wilmer Anderson* & Annette Lindburg*
1973 James Rosenquist & Myrna Swanson*
1972 Alton Wilhelms* & Lavina Lamoree*
1971 Warren Johnson* & Betty Johnson*
1970 Harry Christensen* & Doris Kreis*
1969 Herb Olson* & Carolyn Ekstrand*
1968 Carleton Anderson* & Helen Fusby*
1967 Rev. Lester Anderson* & May Branting*
1966 Dr. C. L. Anderson* & Geraldine Rystrom*
1965 Leslie Johnson* & Irene Fredrickson*
1964 Enoch Ekstrand* & Margaret Anderson*
1963 Walter French* & Evelyn French*
1962 Donald Nordberg* & Laura Lauerman*
* Represents deceased.